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Meeting Notes
On-Site Customer and Planning Game
It is the case in most real-world projects that there exists a well defined
customer, external to the project team, for whom the product is being made for.
This is true for several of the groups in CS 327 this semester, as they are
working on products to benefit several organizations on campus. Our project
however was an idea developed by two of the members within our team,
Phil Wenstrand and Paul Tongyoo. While our product is meant to be of use to
individuals outside of our group, we have found it more useful and convenient
to have a member of our team play the role of the on-site customer. In
particular, we have had one of the co-creators of RandyLoops, Phil Wenstrand,
play the part. This choice has worked well because the visionary of a product
is the most familiar with what that product should contain and be capable of.
To begin the customer/developer dialogue, the first several group meetings
consisted of Phil telling the rest of the team what functions he wanted to be
available to the user from our product. From these user stories estimates were
given by the rest of the group. In particular, each pairing gave estimates in
the context of their component if applicable. Based on the estimates, Phil
then decided what user stories should be contained in particular releases of
our product. The communication between Phil and the team has increased an
awareness within the group of what RandyLoops cabilities should be and the
resource investment assoicated with realizing these capabilities.