Test Cases
Test Case #1 - Saving a Loop
Description: The user is allowed to save the existing loop to disk for later use.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is loaded with a non-empty loop.
Action 1:User selects 'save' from the file menu.
Result 1:File Browser window opens giving the user ablility to type in the filename.
Action 2:User types in 'sample' for the filename in the given directory where RandyLoops is installed, and
clicks the 'ok' button
Result 2:File Browser window exits, file is saved to disk. To double check this passes verify through a console
that testcase1.mid was created and is non empty.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #2 - Loading a Loop
Description: The user is allowed to load a previously created loop into RandyLoops from disk.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running.
Action 1:User selects 'open' from the file menu.
Result 1:File Browser window opens giving the user ablility to select a filename.
Action 2:User types in 'sample' for the filename in the given directory where RandyLoops is installed, and
clicks the 'ok' button
Result 2:File Browser window exits, file is loaded from disk. User will be able to see that the loop is loaded
by verifying the Loop window in the GUI.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #3 - Configure Midi Options
Description: The user is allowed to change the midi options to output to the Midi OUT port or the sound card.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running with a non-empty loop in memory.
Action 1:User selects 'midi options' from the edit menu.
Result 1:Midi Options window pops up, giving check-boxes for both Midi OUT port and the sound card.
Action 2:User selects the sound card for midi output, and clicks 'ok'.
Result 2:Midi Options window closes.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #4 - Using Style Selection
Description: The user is allowed to select a pre-programmed style which loads a beat preset into memory.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running.
Action 1:User selects 'hip hop' from the style selection drop down box in the main GUI window.
Result 1:The generic hip hop loop is then loaded into memory.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #5 - Starting a Loop
Description: The user is allowed to start playback of the loop
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running with a non-empty loop in memory. No Loop is currently being
outputed. Sound Card configured properly, with speakers on.
Action 1:User clicks on the play button in the bottom right portion of the GUI.
Result 1:Midi output occurs, the user is able to hear the loop.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #6 - Stopping a Loop
Description: The user is allowed to stop the output of the loop.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running with a non-empty loop currently playing.
Action 1:User clicks on the stop button in the bottom right portion of the GUI.
Result 1:Midi output ceases, the user is no longer able to hear the loop.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #7 - Alter Volume
Description: The user is allowed to alter the main volume of the loop in real time.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running with a non-empty loop currently playing.
Action 1:User clicks on the volume scrollbar, and modifies it.
Result 1:User is able to hear the corresponding change in volume.
Pass or Fail : _______________
Test Case #8 - Alter Tempo
Description: The user is allowed to alter the tempo of the loop in real time.
Initial System Configuration: RandyLoops is running with a non-empty loop currently playing.
Action 1:User clicks on the tempo scrollbar, and modifies it.
Result 1:User is able to hear the corresponding change in tempo.
Pass or Fail : _______________